Monday, January 28, 2013

A case of the Mondays...

...when starting this blog I told myself that I should post at least 3 times per week. But this past weekend and today have been quiet hard with Blaise being sick and others things which I will post about later. (keep you guys in suspense)

For now I will leave you guys with a cute Blaise update and photos.

Blaise can pull himself up to a stand!

He can also say, "dada."

This one is because he is just too cute!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Snow Day!

Best part about being a parent, for me, is getting to see my son experience things for the first time. Yesterday Blaise got to go outside and see snow for the first time. He had gotten to see snow for our widow earlier this winter.
Blaise watching snow falling from our apartment

But the weather was too warm and the snow did not stay. Yesterday was the first time that he got to go outside in it and see it build up on the ground. 

This changed me. I was able to see snow from the eyes of a child and be in awe of the world around me. Blaise will probably not remember this day, but I feel like I will remember yesterday for the rest of my life. Yesterday was the first day I got to take my son out in the snow.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy National Popcorn Day! (maybe)

How I celebrated NPD today!

Since it may or may not be national popcorn day (of NPD) according to I thought I might share with you two great ways to pop your popcorn. When I am short on time I pop the popcorn in the microwave in a brown paper bag like this.
When I do have time (i.e. like before I had Blaise) I love popcorn popped on the stove like this.
Both ways are healthier, cheaper, and taste better that the "normal" microwavable popcorn that one buys at the store.
Also, if eating popcorn isn't enough to celebrate NPD has a bunch of things to do to get you in the spirit.

P.S. I am so going to make these next year!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Growing a Home

So I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now, so I guess today will be the day. If you haven't figured out from the title my name is Lexi. You will probably get to know me over time (if I can keep this up) but for now I'll start with some basic things about me. I am a wife, a catholic convert, nursing school graduate (not working...yet), and most of all a mommy to a wonderful 7 month old Blaise.
Here he is at Christmas

Here we are picking apples last fall